About us
Growth mining
We help you by offering the right tools to promote idea culture in your company.
Company and team coaching that builds real competitive advantage
Idealouhos helps your company to build the future with results. We want to plug-in idea generation in your daily work culture to create success. We want to help companies to promote idea culture, because strong work culture is the greatest competitive advantage in the future. Idea generation, agile innovation and implementing those ideas and innovation are the foundation of this culture. Idea culture is a key to better results. Let’s build a more successful future for tomorrow.
The ability to generate new ideas, see opportunities and solve problems
The foundation of idea culture is a positive attitude towards change. It’s a way of working for the whole organization, not only for management or an individual team. Idea culture is an attitude that unites the whole organization.
Idea culture means for us:
- Continuous search for new opportunities.
- Positive attitude towards different points of view and creativity of individuals.
- Operations that encourage idea generation and innovation that activate all members of the organization.
Idea culture produces better results and increases work satisfaction
Idea culture is not only about generating ideas. Essential part is the implementation so that the organization makes sure that the selected ideas are well implemented. Sometimes it’s the habit of try and fast fail, but most importantly employees need to experience that ideas are also implemented in practice. It’s a work culture that accepts failures. Idea culture builds true competitive advantage to your company by producing better results* and increasing work satisfaction.
Our Services
Idealouhos comes from the Finnish words idea and louhos, of which latter stands for mine or quarry. Our services are named accordingly.

Idealouhinta – Advance your business with new ideas and viewpoints
What do for declining sales? How to improve internal communication? Need to update the strategy?
Idealouhinta stands for idea mining. Idealouhinta is a structured process for idea generation for your development items. It will include your team to development and decision making, which enhances the social cohesion. And promotes the idea culture.
By mining ideas, you can explore future opportunities, create new ways of working, new products and services. You also can solve problems and challenges your team is facing.

Ideataonta – Achieve your goals by implementing them
How to implement the ideas? Will people understand the change? Another idea that is nothing else but a plan?
Ideataonta stands for idea forging. Ideataonta is a process of consultation and work counselling that makes sure that the changes are concrete, changes are implemented and goals are achieved. Generating ideas is typically inspiring and even fun, but implementation can be more of a challenge. Even the best ideas don’t succeed unless they are implemented well. Worst case is that good ideas tend to fail or be forgotten. This is also harmful for the employees’ motivation.
By forging ideas, we make sure that the idea culture advances in your company. It’s essential for idea culture that ideas are not only generated, but also implemented. This is essential for the results as well.

Ideatuotanto – Continuous improvement
How to ensure that idea generation and agile innovation becomes part of the work culture?
Ideatuotanto stands for idea production. Ideatuotanto is not a project, it’s a long-term cooperation to build idea culture in your company, where members of the organization learn to generate and try new ideas. It’s a service where we design the roadmap to idea culture, support you and offer tools for success. Implementing new culture takes time, and is demanding. We are here to help you.
By implementing production of ideas, you are able to build more sustainable competitive advantage.
We serve also in English
Please contact: petri.maatta@idealouhos.fi
*Minor, Dylan – Brook, Paul – Bernoff, Josh 2017.
Data From 3.5 Million Employees Shows How Innovation Really Works.
Harvard Business Review 9.10.2017. Referred 24.3.2021